FTSE Australian Equity Index Series

A series of tax-adjusted and non-tax-adjusted indices to measure the performance of all capitalisation and industry segments of the Australian equity market.

The FTSE Australian Equity Index Series is designed to represent the performance of Australian companies, providing market participants with a comprehensive and complementary set of indices that measure the performance of all capitalisation and industry segments of the Australian equity market.

Within the index family there are two sub-series: 

  • FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series - tax-adjusted methodology

  • FTSE Australian Companies Index Series - non tax-adjusted methodology 

The corresponding indices in the FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series and the FTSE Australian Companies Index Series (e.g. FTSE ASFA Australia 300 Index and FTSE Australia 300 Index) are composed of the same constituent companies.

FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series

The FTSE ASFA Australia Index Series is a comprehensive and complementary series of tax-adjusted indices. In particular the indices:

  • Take into account the different tax positions of various investor segments (tax exempt, superannuation funds) with regard to franking credits attached to dividend distribution.

  • Measure the performance of the major capital segments of the Australian market.

  • Indices within the series can be used as benchmarks and as tools in the creation of index-linked products, such as exchange traded funds (ETFs), structured products and other derivatives.

FTSE Russell partnered with ASFA in 2009, the industry body that represents all aspects of the Australian superannuation industry, to provide Australian superannuation funds, fund managers and other stakeholders with industry-standard after-tax benchmarks. In 2018, FTSE Russell launched the cumulative franked indices, which accumulates franking credits on a daily basis and reinvests the credits at the end of the financial year. Daily franking credit-adjusted indices that reinvest franking credits on a daily basis are also available.

The series includes:
  • FTSE ASFA Australia 100 Index

  • FTSE ASFA Australia 200 Index

  • FTSE ASFA Australia 300 Index

  • FTSE ASFA Australia Mid/Small Cap 200 Index

  • FTSE ASFA Australia Small Cap Index

  • FTSE ASFA Australia All-Share Index

  • FTSE ASFA Australia Sector Indices (based on the Industry Classification Benchmark)

  • FTSE ASFA Australia Cumulative Franked Indices

FTSE Australian Companies Index Series

The FTSE Australian Companies Index Series is a comprehensive and complementary series of non-tax-adjusted indices, measuring the performance of all capitalisation and industry segments of the Australian equity market.

The series includes:

  • FTSE Australia 20 Index

  • FTSE Australia 100 Index

  • FTSE Australia 200 Index

  • FTSE Australia 300 Index

  • FTSE Australia Mid/Small Cap 200 Index

  • FTSE Australian Small Cap Companies Index

  • FTSE Australia All-Share Index

  • FTSE Australian Companies Sector Indices (based on the Industry Classification Benchmark)

Index announcements

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